TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb(C++Builder 6)

Developer’s Description

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TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb(C++Builder 6)

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By TMSSoftware
TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb includes fast multipane financial graphs and 2D feature rich charting components. It features single or multi pane chart view component, wide range of 2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, highly configurable crosshairs with value indication at series, Y-axis, tracker and crosshair support along multiple panes , and floating tracker window to see values at crosshairs.

TAdvChartView : fast multi-pane chart component

  • Single or multi pane chart view component
  • Wide range of 2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, …
  • X-axis with index of date/time unit indication
  • Y-axis with auto ranging, minor & major value indication along Y-axis, multiple Y-axis values for different series supported
  • Support for annotations & legend
  • Panes with scrolling, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, synchronized scrolling with mouse or keyboard
  • Highly configurable crosshairs with value indication at series, Y-axis, tracker & crosshair support along multiple panes
  • Navigator bar to help for scrolling series along X-axis
  • Floating tracker window to see values at crosshairs
  • Configurable grid & bands
  • Configurable margins for chart & chart background image
  • Printing support, export to bitmap support
  • Support for persisting chart settings to file
  • Interface component to synchronise automatically with TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid

TAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane chart component

  • Advanced GDI+ enabled version of TAdvChartView
  • Anti-aliased chart drawing
  • Complex gradient support
  • Support charts with opacity & opacity gradients
  • Support for PNG images with alpha transparency for chart markers, textures
  • GDI+ hatches for chart fills
  • Shadows on bars, lines, areas, legend
  • Optional glass mirror effect support


I have tried your new “TAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane chart component” demo and I am extremely impressed.
I develop applications using Borland Delphi 5 and for years now, the obvious choice for charting components has been TeeChart. Well not any more !!!
I often find that charting components can be a bit clumsy and awkward to use, but your charting components’ properties are extremely well laid out and easy to use.
Also, when looking at the GDI plus demo, the quality of rendering and anti-aliasing is world-class.
Other charting components out there advertise lovely, glossy and shiny charts on their web site, but when you run their demos it’s a very different story indeed. They are often poorly rendered and produce dodgy anti-aliased drawings, they are over-priced, etc…
So all in all, you certainly have the best charting component that I have ever came across – on the first release and for such a great price !
I was currently looking for a new charting component – well not any more ! I will be recommending that the company that I work for purchases your new charting component.TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb includes fast multipane financial graphs and 2D feature rich charting components. It features single or multi pane chart view component, wide range of 2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, highly configurable crosshairs with value indication at series, Y-axis, tracker and crosshair support along multiple panes , and floating tracker window to see values at crosshairs.

What is new in this release:

Version 3.1.1 has added OnBeforeDrawSeries or OnAfterDrawSeries events.


Our team has been working hard on the newest version of TMS Advanced Charts 
v3.5 and we're pleased to inform that this resulted in a new OpenGL 3D 
multi-serie chart component, TAdvChartView3D, that is available now.

Create DB-aware or non DB-aware multi-pane or multi-serie financial & 
business charts and spectacular 3D Pie charts. Supports Line, Bar, Area, 
Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, Pie, Donut, OHLC, Spider, CandleStick, 
Histogram, Bubble, Error charts.

New component TAdvChartView3D added in v3.5:
- OpenGL 3D multi-serie pie chart component
- High Quality OpenGL 3D Rendering
- Optional AntiAliasing
- Support for multiple Series
- Configurable mouse Interaction
- Export to image
- Configurable value labels with optional image
- Configurable legend & title
- 3D rotation support on X, Y and Z-Axis
- Design-time and run-time usable editors

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TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb is part of the TMS Advanced Charts and can be used in Windows VLC software development as well as IntraWeb web application development.


  • Component View one or more chart panels
  • Wide range of 2D charts such as: Line, Bar, Area, Histogram, Bubble, Error and…
  • X axis with unit index of date / time indication
  • Y axis with automatic sorting, minor plus major y axis, multi value y axis for various thread support
  • Supports annotations and descriptions
  • Panel with scroll, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, mouse & keyboard sync
  • The navigation bar to help navigate the string along the x-axis
  • Adjustable borders for charts and charts background image
  • Supports bitmap capture output printing
  • Support for continuation of chart settings to file
  • Interface component for TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid auto-sync
  • Supports graphs with opacity rates and gradients
  • Support for PNG images with alpha transparency for chart marker
  • Create shadows in strips, lines, areas and descriptions
  • Glass mirror effect support
  • Horizontal chart, rotate charts 90 degrees
  • Y logarithmic scale capability
  • Bar shapes: Rectangular, cylindrical, pyramid for ordinary and stacked bar charts
  • Export to PDF file
  • Configure the y-axis of a spider diagram
  • Export to PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP or GIF files
  • Save and restore TAdvChartView settings
  • Link TMS Advanced Charts to Database
  • Update runtime graphs

To see the full data TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb to here.

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