PHP Form Wizard

PHP Form Wizard

What Does Activation Key Mean?

An activation key is a code to register or activate a software application. It usually consists of letters and numbers with a dotted fundamental movement between sections. Newer models of software products eliminate the activation key as an authorization mechanism. With the development of cloud computing services, many types of software have been purchased online and used online on a subscription basis. It eliminates the need to use activation keys to authenticate users. An activation key is a by-product of the system where the user purchases the code and execution software for the application and downloads all of the code to their computer or device. New methods are rapidly replacing the traditional form of licensing.
PHP Form Wizard

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PHP form wizard is a complete form processing solution, it includes all you need to process your HTML form, it can handle all the validation work, File uploads , send all the submitted data thru e-mail, send personalized auto responder to your visitor, save submitted data to a text file or in a MySQL database, block certain IP addresses from processing your form, Captcha (access code) add-on to make your script more secure against spammers. All these strong features comes in a very friendly wizard style interface with an ability to store your project settings to work on latter

PHP Form Wizard is a powerful tool that creates a PHP script to process any web form, it makes all necessary validation, to check that your visitor had filled all values correctly, it can handle File uploads, send email to form owner with all fields data whenever the form is successfully processed and a personalized confirmation email to your visitor (auto responder) and store form data in a text file or in a Mysql database

PHP Form Wizard v1.2.5 has 2 serious bugs that alter how the form behaves IF YOU EDIT OR CHANGE THE ORIGINAL PROJECT BY RUNNING THE WIZARD AGAIN! Choosing to SAVE the ‘project’ to work on later creates a file (*.pfw) that is suppossed to let you make changes to the project, then republish the PHP file again. BE WARNED – It DOES NOT WORK RIGHT!!! PHP Form Wizard DOES make the >VERY FIRST< (original) php file for a form correctly. It’s the act of running the .PFW file for that ‘project’ that changes everything: If you run a .pfw file and publish the PHP file again, then look at the code of the new php file you will discover: 1) It forgets the ORIGINAL FONT, FONT SIZE, AND FONT COLOR of ‘Error Alert’ messages (for ‘required’ fields), and the ‘thank you’ message. 2) It does not include the ‘Error Alert’ message part of the code for MOST of the originally ‘required’ fields! (some of your ‘required’ fields code may be complete, but MOST will be missing the ‘Error Alert’ message part of the code, and all ‘complete’ ones will have the wrong font, size and color anyway). While using the Wizard you’ll see the fields you originally had set as ‘required’ will still be check marked as ‘Require’ in the software, but the ‘Error Alert’ messages for these fields will be reverted to the default message, font and color! So – if you run a .pfw file and overwrite the original php file (which was correct) you will now have a php file that is NOT CORRECT! There are 2 ways to fix this: 1- Forget about using the .pfw file (if you saved one from the original project) and just redo the form completely as if it were a brand new project. 2- Run the .pfw file (if you saved one from the original project), THEN EDIT THE PHP FILE TO MANUALLY CORRECT ALL THE MISTAKES! WHEN CREATING THE VERY FIRST >ORIGINAL< PROJECT, CHOOSE TO NAME THE OUTPUT PHP FILE AS ‘XFORM.PHP’ (or ‘Xwhatever.php’), THEN RENAME THAT FIRST CORRECTLY WORKING PHP FILE BY REMOVING THE ‘X’ FROM THE NAME. THIS WAY, IF YOU RUN THE .PFW FILE LATER ON >IT WILL NOT OVERWRITE THE CORRECTLY WORKING PHP FILE THAT YOU ALREADY HAD<. Now you can open BOTH php files side-by-side in an editor and make the corrections using ‘copy & paste’ until you have one correctly working php file again! The developer told me this was too much work to correct any time soon.

This class provides a mechanism to generate multi-step web forms, similar to those used as the user interfaces for software installers.

It is used by adding the input fields that should appear in each page of the steps of the wizard form and then generates the whole form in a single page with controls to interactively switch between the sets of inputs of each wizard step.Wizard like registration separates registration fields into groups. These group of fields can be seen using a tab-like navigation. In the previous tutorial, we have seen simple PHP registration without a wizard.

In this example, we have three tabs to separate the registration form fields. The user can navigate via the registration wizard using previous and next button handlers.

In this tutorial, we are going to learn on Bootstrap Wizard Registration using PHP/MySQL. These form field in registration is separated into a group. We have three steps to complete the registration. And a user can navigate using our previous and next button at every step. Wizard Registration – HTML This source code displays all three steps. This is for wizard registration form field.

phpFormGenerator is a an easy, online tool for creating reliable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing web forms in a snap. No programming of any sort is required: phpFormGenerator generates the HTML code, the form processor code (PHP), and the field validation code automatically via an easy, point-and-click interface.

phpFormGenerator provides several delivery formats. You can choose to have your form results delivered via email, sent to a MySQL database, and written to a data file (which you can then open in Excel and other programs).

Just click “Create a Form” above, follow the intuitive phpFormGenerator wizard, and copy the generated files to your dedicated server. The tool is FREE and you get to use your form any way you chooose, without any restrictions.

Version 3.0 of phpFormGenerator has been released for public testing. Users can access it via the demo site:

Version 3 introuduces many new features and is even easier to use. Please report any errors and comments on our forums. You can watch a video tutorial of the form creation process by clicking here.

New features

  • Simple, intuitive, point-and-click interface
  • Forms can have multiple pages
  • Add and remove fields dynamically – without switching pages
  • Customize look and feel of your form
  • Add pre-populated fields: country, state (U.S.)
  • Add non-invasive tooltips to help your users
  • Add and remove fields dynamically – on the same page
  • New fields with live validation: date (with pop-up calendar), email
  • Add pre-populated fields: country, state (U.S.)

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