OBJ Export for SketchUp
What Does Activation Key Mean?
An activation key is a code to register or activate a software application. It usually consists of letters and numbers with a dotted fundamental movement between sections. Newer models of software products eliminate the activation key as an authorization mechanism. With the development of cloud computing services, many types of software have been purchased online and used online on a subscription basis. It eliminates the need to use activation keys to authenticate users. An activation key is a by-product of the system where the user purchases the code and execution software for the application and downloads all of the code to their computer or device. New methods are rapidly replacing the traditional form of licensing.OBJ Export for SketchUp is a Wavefront OBJ file export plug-in for Google SketchUp. This plug-in gives SketchUp the ability to export objects in SketchUp to 3d polygon meshes in an OBJ file. OBJ Export for SketchUp tessellates objects in a SketchUp document into a set of triangular meshes. These meshes are then exported to an OBJ file as mesh objects. The OBJ file can then be imported into a variety of CAD applications. OBJ Export for SketchUp is very easy to use. Once installed, it automatically loads itself into SketchUp and adds a new submenu called “OBJ Export for SketchUp” to the SketchUp Plugins menu.
- No spaces are allowed in file names. OBJ files don’t support spaces in their file names. When you export an OBJ file, SketchUp replaces any space with an underscore (_).
- Each SketchUp face exports as one polygon (unless you tell SketchUp otherwise). If the application in which you want to use the OBJ file expects triangulated faces, you can select the Triangulate All Faces option when you export the file to avoid triangulation errors, such as missing or reversed polygons.
- OBJ supports a flat set membership hierarchy, not a tree hierarchy. In a flat set membership hierarchy, the format identifies what objects belong to a set but can’t tell whether one set belongs to another set. This is different from the tree hierarchy you see in SketchUp’s Outliner, which indicates, for example, that a cushion is a subcomponent of a sofa or that a leg component is nested inside a chair component.
- SketchUp outputs polygon faces only. SketchUp doesn’t support the output of NURBS or any advanced OBJ entities.
- Export Only Current Selection: If you make a selection in your model before you begin the export process, selecting this box exports only the selected geometry. When this option is deselected, the whole model is exported.
- Triangulate All Faces: Select this option to break the output into triangles instead of multisided faces.
- Export Two-Sided Faces: When you select this option, faces are exported twice: once for the front and once for the back. Although this doubles the number of polygons in the exported file, the model will look more like it appears in SketchUp. Both faces will render, and materials applied to the front and back faces are preserved
- .Export Edges: When you select this checkbox, SketchUp line entities are exported as OBJ line entities. If you leave this checkbox deselected, edges are ignored. Usually, this checkbox is deselected because most applications ignore edges when importing OBJ files.
- Export Texture Maps: Select this checkbox to export textures applied to faces with your OBJ file.
- Swap YZ Coordinates (Y Is Up): This option does just what it says: swaps the Y (green) axis and the Z (blue) axis so that the Y axis points up. For some applications, this orientation is the default. To leave the default orientation (Z is up), leave this checkbox deselected.
Units: Select an option from the drop-down list to set the unit size in the OBJ file. If you want the units to be the same as those in your SketchUp model, you can leave Model Units (the default option) selected.