Backgammon Classic Pro

Backgammon Classic Pro

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An activation key is a code to register or activate a software application. It usually consists of letters and numbers with a dotted fundamental movement between sections. Newer models of software products eliminate the activation key as an authorization mechanism. With the development of cloud computing services, many types of software have been purchased online and used online on a subscription basis. It eliminates the need to use activation keys to authenticate users. An activation key is a by-product of the system where the user purchases the code and execution software for the application and downloads all of the code to their computer or device. New methods are rapidly replacing the traditional form of licensing.
Backgammon Classic Pro

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This pro backgammon version is designed for skilled players. It has many playing options, an intuitive and easy to use interface, including a game position editor. New 2D and 3D design for game boards, game or match play, statistical information, save/load for games, doubling cube, new checker styles and rating support for twenty users are a few key features. Any game position, on the current board, can be saved as picture (jpeg format). You can export an entire match, in the universal text format, which can be imported and analyzed by other software. We added an external dice generator, in order to let you seeing the fairness of the game.

This version allows you to make any move using only left button clicks or taps, and it was optimized for Windows 10 and Tablet PCs; it has an auto-resign feature for computer player, auto plays forced moves and it can display time information for games and matches. Top 20 hosts the first twenty best players in order of their ratings. Play it now and you can find out your real rating and have more fun.

Help page, statistics, recommended move, back move, Jacoby and Crawford rules, sound effects, easy mouse based interface, keyboard commands, pure random dice, doubling cube, are just a few of game improvements. The pro version allows you to record/save an entire game (.gam format) and watch it later. It allows you to save any game position as a picture (jpeg format), on the currently selected 2D or 3D board.  It also can export an entire match, in the universal text format, which can be imported and analyzed by GNU Backgammon, eXtreme Gammon or other software. Download and test it for free for a period, with all options enabled, then send us your suggestions and thoughts by e-mail.

This pro backgammon version is designed for skilled players. It has many playing options, an intuitive and easy to use interface, including a game position editor. Several 2D and 3D boards, game or match play, statistical information, save/load for games, doubling cube, new checker styles and rating support for twenty users are a few key features. Play it and you can find out your real rating and have more fun.

Several 2D and 3D board designs, up to 20 users with rating support, a graphic position editor, ergonomical interface are only a few key features of this game.

This game is suitable for any medium and advanced backgammon players, no matter the age.

A new backgammon game, with many features, for skilled players.

This pro backgammon version is designed for skilled players. It has many playing options, an intuitive and easy to use interface, including a game position editor. New 2D and 3D design for game boards, game or match play, statistical information, save/load for games, doubling cube, new checker styles and rating support for twenty users are a few key features. Any game position, on the current board, can be saved as picture (jpeg format). You can export an entire match, in the universal text format, which can be imported and analyzed by other software. We added an external dice generator, in order to let you seeing the fairness of the game. This version allows you to make any move using only left button clicks or taps, and it was optimized for Windows 10 and Tablet PCs; it has an auto-resign feature for computer player, auto plays forced moves and it can display time information for games and matches. Top 20 hosts the first twenty best players in order of their ratings. Play it now and you can find out your real rating and have more fun!

Game Summary

You can run Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 on all modern Windows OS operating systems. Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 is a game developed by Microsys Com and it is listed in Games category under Puzzle & Word. Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 is licensed as Shareware which means that game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities. Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 was last time updated on Feb 28th, 2020.

Backgammon Classic Pro is created for skilled players and features several playing options, an intuitive and easy to use interface, including a game position editor.

Among noticeable features is the new 2D and 3D design for game boards, game or match play, statistical information, save/load for games, doubling cube, new checker styles and rating support for twenty users are a few key features.

You can save any game position, on the current board, as a picture (jpeg format) and can export an entire match, in the universal text format, which can be imported and analyzed by other software. There is also an external dice generator, in order to allow you checking the fairness of our game.

This version gives players the chance to make any move using only left button clicks or taps, it was optimized for Windows 8 and Tablet PCs. Play it and you can find out your real rating and have more fun

Download Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 for Windows

Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 has over player recommendations to date. Interested? Download and play Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5 and see for yourself.

Key Features

  • Easy and clear instructions including a users’ is offered by this software allowing you to learn the concept of the game if you’re a first time player. On top of that, the software can suggest what would be the best move for you if you’re learning the first steps.

It’s an attractive game with sounds and customized design.

  • Set up the manipulations of the game either with a keyboard or the mouse.
  • You can see the path of your moves and replay them, at the same time it allows you to record the game so that you can review it afterwards.
  • Customize the board game with different designs and colors that you can choose depending on your taste.
  • Keep track of your scores so that you can see your progress through the statistical data provided by the software.


    Version 8.5 adds background music.

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